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buzz word是什么意思

发布时间:2020-12-18 作者: 英语查

buzz word 是什么意思


buzz:    vi. 1.(蜂等)嗡嗡地叫[飞](about over ...
word:    n. 1.单词;〔pl.〕歌词,台词。 2.〔常 pl. ...


1.The new “ buzz word in the food industry is nutraceuticals - foods that provide medical benefits as well as traditional nutrients

2.In the context of escalating violence , decommissioning is no more than a fashionable buzz word , and will not lead to the guerrillas laying down their arms

3.Over - hype : too much hype and the overuse of superlatives can be the downfall of an otherwise sound business plan . wow them with the business idea , not hype or buzz words

4.Fresh ? new ? original ? creative ? compelling : these are the buzz words 废话 that all networks and channels want to attach to their offerings because the qualities they enshrine attract viewers … this is where size matters
鲜活新颖原创创造性引人入胜:所有的网络媒体和频道都想把这些废话附加在它们提供的节目上,因为这些词蕴含的特征吸引观众… …这就是数量要紧之处(指抓到观众数量之多对盈利要紧) !

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